The DPCC is pleased to honour our members accomplishments in conformation, performance and breeding.

General Rules

The award year runs from January 1 to December 31. Deadline for Application is March 31st.

A Doberman competing in the awards program must have been owned by a DPCC member in good standing during the period of competition (award year) being considered.  The owner must have also been a member in good standing with the DPCC by March 31st of the Awards year in question. (example, to qualify for a 2025 Award – Membership must have been approved and paid for on or before March 31st 2025.)

Only members are eligible to receive awards. The Awards Committee will verify the membership status of applicants and the achievement reported.

All DPCC Awards are to be applied for on-line. We will not accept faxed or emailed applications. This is to limit human  error in compiling the data.

Awards can result in a tie if multiple candidates hold the same accomplishments, scores, points etc.