DPCC Membership Payment

The DPCC accepts e-transfers. E-transfers are to be sent to the treasurer@dpcc.ca.

PayPal – Membership Fees and Donations

By renewing your membership below you are agreeing to abide by the current Constitution, By-Laws and Code of Ethics of the Doberman Pinscher Club of Canada

**Note ** funds may also be sent using e-transfer to treasurer@dpcc.ca  The payment option below is for PayPal.

To add multiple payments to your cart (i.e. Membership/Breeder Directory) You must click “Add to Cart” and then return to this payment page and add your next option to your cart.

Single Membership
(annual dues)

Household Membership
(annual dues)
Junior Membership
(annual dues)

On-line Breeder’s
Directory Listing


Donations and Fundraisers

General Donations Any amount
you choose