DPCC Register of Merit Canada Recipients
The Register of Merit Canada (ROMC) Award is granted to individual dogs that have obtained the following:
- Canadian Championship
- Canadian Performance Title. We are listing the lowest level title, all higher level titles in these same disciplines are accepted.
- CKC Rally Advanced Title (RA)
- CKC Obedience Novice – Companion Dog (CD)
- CKC Agility Novice Title (AgN)
- CKC Tracking Novice Title (TD)
- CKC Novice Scent Title (SDN)
- SDDA Nosework Started Title (SD-S)
- IGP – BH
- Passing grade at one of the following:
- American Temperament Test Society – TT
- Temperament Test
- DPCA – Working Aptitude Evaluation
- UDC – ATT or STT
The ROMC acknowledges Dobermans who posses the traits of – beauty, performance aptitude and sound temperament. This versatility gives evidence of what our breed was intended to be. Obtaining qualifying scores in all three areas of discipline require commitment and dedication on the part of the dog’s owner. We congratulate all those who have taken these extra steps with their dog(s). A list of award recipients is provided below:
To submit an application for a ROMC Award, please use the on-line application form on this website.