Thank you to member Pat Blenkey for providing the following information from the 25th Anniversary National Catalog.
History of the DPCC
Reminiscences from a longtime breeder of Doberman Pinschers indicate that the present day Doberman Pinscher Club of Canada is a reincarnation of an older club. Apparently Dr. Wilfrid Shute started a club up some time in the sixties. Our source tells us that he can remember going to Doberman Club specialty shows in the early to mid sixties.
While attending a dog show out at the old Greenwood location, this breeder can remember Jeff Brucker ‘going on a bout’ starting up a breed club. According to archival minutes, on a Saturday, early in 1968, a group of Doberman Pinscher owners and breeders, including Jeff and his wife, met in Toronto at the Canadian National Sportsmen’s Dog Show, to discuss the possibility of establishing such a club. In attendance were: The Bruckers, Mrs. Joey Purdy, Mrs. S.F. Anderson, Mr A.H. Lieff, Mrs. Aneta Judson, Mrs. Beatrice England, Mr. Harold G. Butler, Mr. & Mrs. P.R. Jack, Miss Simone Lebrun, Miss Jackie Hall, Mr. Max Madger and Mr. C.W. Sisson.
After considerable discussion, ti was decided that a club should be formed, to be known as the Doberman Pinscher Club of Canada. The group listed above agreed to joint he new club and undertake to publicize its formation, and see additional new members. All paid an ‘initiation’ fee of $2.00 plus the annual dues of $3.00. Mr. Brucker undertook to arrange publicity through Dogs in Canada magazine and to make suitable arrangements with the CKC and an All-breed club to hold a booster show as soon as possible.
A temporary slate of officers agreed to work towards developing a constitution and bylaws, and securing a charter from the Canadian Kennel Club. Honorary President, Dr. W.E. Shute, President, Mr. Jeffrey L. Brucker, Vice-President, Mrs. Joey Purdy, Treasurer, Mrs. Beatrice England, Secretary, Mr. C.W. Sisson, Show Chairman, Mr. Harold Butter were these individuals.
On Sunday, 29 September 1968, a meeting of the Doberman Pinscher Club of Canada was held at the Don Mills Arena in Toronto, Ontario. Mr. Brucker advised that arrangements had been made to hold a booster show in conjunction with the Ottawa Kennel Club show on 23 November 1968. The judge would be Mr. Henry Stoecker. Classes to be offered were decided upon, and a partial list of trophy donors was secured.
On Saturday, 23 November 1968, a meeting of the Doberman Pinscher Club of Canada was held in Ottawa, Ontario. A discussion took place reagrding the constitution and bylaws for the club, resulting in a motion that a copy of the constitution of the Doberman Pinscher Club of America be given to the secretary to be revised and sent out to the membership for approval, and eventual dispatch to the Canadian Kennel Club.
Mrs. Jack indicated that the Kawartha Kennel Club was interested in having the DPCC hold a booster show in conjunction with their All-Breed show in 1970.
The treasurer reported a balance of $107.00 in the club coffers and … the Doberman Pinscher Club of Canada was born!