DPCC Awards Program – Conformation Rules
- 100 points for a regional specialty show Best of Breed (BISS)
- 200 points for a national specialty Best of Breed. The dog must win Best of Breed to qualify.
Best Opposite Sex to Dog of the Year: Awarded to the Doberman of the opposite sex to dog of the year using the same method as Dog of the Year.
Awards of Merit: Awarded to the top five (5) dogs or bitches for the award year, excluding Dog of the Year and Best Opposite Sex to Dog of the Year.
Puppy of the Year: Awarded to the Doberman puppy obtaining the most aggregate points during the awards year, using the following system:
50 points – Best Puppy in Show
50 points – Best Puppy in Specialty
10 points – Group Fourth
20 points – Group Third
30 points – Group Second
40 points – Group First
75 points – Best in Show or Best in Specialty Show
Note: Puppies that are finished must be shown in Specials, not in the classes, otherwise points will be disqualified.
Best Opposite Sex to Puppy of the Year: Calculated as for puppy of the year.
Sire of the Year: For the dog siring the greatest number of Dobermans awarded CKC championship titles during the awards year. One point for each title. Must have minimum 3 points to be eligible.
Dam of the Year: For the bitch producing the greatest number of Dobermans awarded CKC championship titles in the awards year. One point for each title. Must have minimum 3 points to be eligible.
Breeder of the Year (Ammended DPCC Board 05-15-2016): For the breeder of the greatest number of Dobermans awarded CKC championship titles in the awards year. One point for each title.
- Must have minimum 3 Championship title (Ch) earned in Awards year to be eligible.
- Each CKC championship tile (Ch) earns one point
- Once the minimum 3 Championship (Ch titles) are earned additional points can be earned from both the Grand Championship and Grand Championship Excellent titles earned by dogs bred by the breeder.
- The Grand Championship and Grand Championship Excellent Title each count as one point.
- Each offspring can ONLY contribute two points. This can be Ch and GCh (2 points) or GCh and GChEx (2 points). No offspring can contribute 3 points towards this award.