The DPCC accepts e-transfers. E-transfers are to be sent to the
PayPal – Membership Fees and Donations
By renewing your membership below you are agreeing to abide by the current Constitution, By-Laws and Code of Ethics of the Doberman Pinscher Club of Canada
**Note ** funds may also be sent using e-transfer to The payment option below is for PayPal.
To add multiple payments to your cart (i.e. Membership/Breeder Directory) You must click “Add to Cart” and then return to this payment page and add your next option to your cart.
Single Membership (annual dues) |
$30.00 | |
Household Membership (annual dues) |
$45.00 | |
Junior Membership (annual dues) |
$10.00 |
On-line Breeder’s Directory Listing |
$20.00 |
Donations and Fundraisers
General Donations | Any amount you choose |