If you find any errors in the listings below please contact our ROMC Chair by email ROMC@dpcc.ca. Thank you!
2024 ROMC Recipients
- Ch Dobereich’s Summer Sensation SDN TT
- Owner: Barb Adam
2023 ROMC Recipients
- Owner: Katherine Stead
- Can GCH UDC-CH Themiscyra’s Step Into Your Power BH-VT CSAU CGC CGN WAC TT ATT VBM
- Owner: Amaya Wolff
- Am CH/Can GCH Mervio Chosen Warrior v Sioul AOM CGN TKN AGN AGNJ DSA DM ACT2 ACT2J TT VSM BFL-1
- Owner: Michelle Gotch-Mitchell
- Dancing Star-Protocol’s Time to Dance for DreamOn
- Owner: Cheryl Mehaffey, Liz Gentile and Jocelyn Mullins
- Ch Fabert’s Joi de Vivr CD TT
- Owner: Susan Zakrzewski
2022 ROMC Recipients
- GCH Sioul’s The Devil Inside RN AGNs AGNJs WAC VGM
- Owner: Michelle Gotch-Mitchell
2021 ROMC Recipients
- Owner: Marie-Claire Guindon
2020 ROMC Recipients
- Am/ Can GCH Mojave’s Gateway to Gold AG.I, AG.NJ,JT,RATI,NS,SDIN,ITD, TT, VSM
- Owner: Alison Merrick, Meagan Cunnings
- Ch Dura Lex Polonia Lennon BH TT
- Owner: Beata Achita
- Am.Can. Ch Kinetic Hopes and Dreams v Firelake CA, SDIN, SDN, RATI, SD-S,SP, NS, ETD, TT
- Owner: Hope Johnson and Amy Tourond
2019 ROMC Recipients
- CH Ravalleses West Side Story CGN TT RE R02 SPOT ON Owner: Shirley Brennan
2018 ROMC Recipients
- GCh Goldgrove Heaven’s Messenger TT, CD owner: Sharon Pflueger and Deborah J Dorken
- Gr Ch Sharinway’s Son of Anarchy DD, RA, TT owners: Guylaine Champigny and Katherine Kew
- CH K-Lins Rockin Kris V Tallyesyn RA TT Owner: Margaret Lowe and Kathy Farley
- Am Can Ch Tallyesyn Bostons Best on Ice v Adria Am CA, Am Can RN, Can PN, RA, WAC Owner: Kathy Farley
- CH Redstone’s Roving Gypsy Girl CD RN TT CGN Owner: Kristine Allen, Nicole Kleist, Patricia Reinhardt
- CH Redstone’s See No Evil TT, BH Owner: Kristin Allen, Leanne Stalker, Kyle Mogridge
- CH Ravalleses Jersey Girl TT BH Owner: Sven Stilzebach
- UKC/CKC CH Ravalleses Hotter Than Hades TT BH IPO1 Owner: Angela Ravallese, Diane Carslen
2017 ROMC Recipients
- Ch Kinetic On The Runway CGN, TT, SD-A, RATI, ROMC owner: Hope Johnson
- Ch Ravalleses Nubian Princess CGN, TT, RAE, URX, UROC, ROMC owner: Shirley Brennan
- Ch Oriol Hector De Grande Vinko TT, BH owner: Alexandra Smereka
- Ch Shadeko’s Quest For Rubies CGN, TT, RN, RA owner: Kristin Allen, Nicole Kleist, Patricia Reinhardt
- Ch. Perfex All About Eve v Relic CD, RI, TT CGN owner: Lendra Barker
- BPIS BPISS BISS GCh Wingate’s First and Goal CD RA CGN TT owner: David A. Buchanan and Carla M Kowalchuk
- Ch UGCH Allure Wildest Dream Alisaton CGC TT RN Can RA URO1 Can PCD owner: Beth & Carl Walker
- Ch Gatehouse Rustenblack Kiss This TT TD CGN owner: Barry Robinson & Maura Reilly
2016 ROMC Recipients
- Ch d’Bella’s Second Sip of Wine, RA, TT, ROMC owner: Linda D. Hill
- Ch Dobereich’s Upping The Ante, CGN, RA, TT, ROMC owner: Joan K. Lusted, Monica Peterson
- Ch. Boland’s Rachel Alexandra, CDX, RAE3, CGN, ROM-C owner: Katherine Stead
2015 ROMC Recipients
- BPIS GCh d’Bella’s Vaudeville Vixen, RE, AgNJ, AgN, TT, ROMC owner: Linda D. Hill
- Multi HIT/CAN/UKC Ch. Whitcam’s My Time To Shine, CGN, TD, RE, TT, CD, ROMC owner: Denise & Randy Rittenhouse
- Ch Sasanoa Media Blitz, CD, WAC,ROMC owner: Penny Cary and Hosea Carpenter
2014 ROMC Recipients
No applicants
2013 ROMC Recipients
- Am Ch/Can Grand Ch/UKC Ch Dreamseekers Wizard CGN, CGC, TT, CD, ROMC, SOM, owner: Maura C. Reilly
- Ch Prinz Auguste Vom Dobereich CGN, CD, RN, TT ROMC, owner: Stephan Leblanc, Monica Peterson
- Am/Can GCh Mojave’s Creeping Devil RN, CDX, WAC, ROMC, owner: Alison Merrick
- Ch. Boland’s Coup de Foudre Holmrun CGN, RN, RA, CD, WAC, CGC, RE, Am RN, Am RA, ROMC owner: Vicky Olson
- Am/Can Ch. Holmrun’s Regardez, RN, Am/Can C.D., CGN, WAC, ROM, ROMC, owners: V. Cherie Holmes, Fran and Diana Sparagna, Lora and Dan Epp
2012 ROMC Recipients
- Ch Riesig Von Duchessgibb Vixson CD TT CG ROMC, owner: Margaret Campbell
- Ch Gatehouse Igotsumxplainintodo TT TD GCN ROMC, owner: Barry L. Robinson
- Ch Gorrmae’s Simply Complicated CD CGN TT ROMC, owner: Mary and Jay Korevaar
- Ch Ravalleses Poetry In Motion RA TT ROMC, owner: Angela Ravallese
- Ch Doolittle Opus Meum TT BH ROMC, owner: Angela Ravallese
- Ch Ryansluxus Phoenix V StBrandt CD TT ROMC, owner: Angela Ravallese
- HIT Ch Liberator’s Mirage TT CGN RN CD ROMC, owner: Carla Kowalchuk
- Ch Sasanoa Early Edition CD BH WAC ROMC, owner: Carol Crosby
- HIT Ch Kandak’s Corazon de Canela RA, TT ROMC, owner: Linda D. Hill
2011 ROMC Recipients
No Applicants
2010 ROMC Recipients
- Ch. Glengate’s Calm Like A Bomb, Am. Can. CD, RN, ROMC, CGN, BFL-1 owner: Jay and Mary Korevaar
- Ch. Fabert’s From Russia With Love, CD, ROMC, owner: Susan Zakrzewski
- Ch. Royolyn Best Kept Secret, RA, ROMC, owner: Rachel and Rick Jesse and Carolyn Irvine
- CH. Mi-Cher’s Trace of an Angel, CD, ROMC, owner: Cheryl A. Hassett
- Ch. Holmrun’s Bo Coup, RA. ROMC, owner: Katherine Stead
- Ch. Edelmar’s That’s My Girl, CD, RN, ROMC, owner: Elizabeth McGinley
2009 ROMC Recipients
- Ch. Judgar’s Just Me, CD, ROMC, owned by Gary and Judy Kauffeldt
- Ch. Kandak’s Oxford Lexington, RA, CD, TT, ROMC, CGN, LC-11L, BFL-1, owned by Linda D. Hill
- Ch. Tempo’s Tuxwdo Junction, CD, ROMC, owned by Diane Wydick
- Ch. Gentry’s Beck N’ Call, owned by Caitlin Rathburn Ch. Mi-Cher’s Renegade Angel, CD, ROMC, owned by Cheryl Hassett
- Ch. Seven’s Strekoza Pennylane, RA, ROMC, owned by Leah Hamaluk and Marlene Biglow
- Ch. Audacious Kahlua Ravalleses, CD, ROMC, owned by Angela Ravallese
- Ch. Jurassik’s Red Rock Paradise, RA, ROMC, owned by Alison Merrick and Kim Boucher
2008 ROMC Recipients
- Ch. Wittrock’s Zzzzzaaron, CD, ROMC owned by Bonnie Wittrock
- Ch. Tyobi’s Solid As A Rock, CD, ROMC owned by Kathy Farley and Gloria Farley
- Ch. Seven’s She’s All That, CD, ROMC owned by Marlene Biglow
- Ch. Sasanoa Kuai, CD, ROMC owned by Joe & Linda Robinson, Penny Cary, Hosea Carpenter
- Ch. Holmrun’s Fastlane, CD, ROMC owned by Colette Ritchie
- Ch. Pennylane’s High Fashion, CD, ROMC owned by Marlene Biglow
- Ch. Devonquests New Era v Kalora, AGN, SGDC, ROMC owned by Lee Hartfield, John Caiger, Christine Bartram-Calarneau
- Ch. Tempo’s Sunrise Serenade, CD, ROMC owned by: Diane Wydick[/tab] Content goes here
2007 ROMC Recipients
- Ch. Baronessa Di Ravalleses, CD, BH, ROMC, owned by: Angela Ravallese
- Ch. Dobayr’s American Express, CD, ROMC, owned by: Jack and Valerie Kravets
- Ch. Gentry’s Blackhawk Down, CD, AGI, AGJN, ROMC, owned by Caitlin Rathburn
- Ch. Glengate Bettr Late Than Nevr CD, ROMC, CGN, owned by M. & S Roth and J & M Korevaar
- Ch. Glengate’s Remember The Future, CD, ROMC, owned by: Jay and Mary Korevaar
- Ch. Gentry’s Lady Of the Lake CD Am/Can RA CGN HIC WAC, owned by: Vicky Olson
- Ch. I Am Gypsy Queen de Baviere, CD, ROMC, owned by: Julie Simpson and Diane DuBois
- Ch. Judgar’s Just A Little Tipsy, AGN, AGNJ, ROMC, owned by: Christine Boisvert
- Ch. Mi-Cher’s Guardian Angel, CD, ROMC, owned by: Cheryl A. Hassett and Terri Alore
- Ch. Nobolis Undercover Angel, AGNJ, ROMC, owned by: Diana Shore
- Ch. Acclaim’s The Last Detail, CD, ROMC, owned by Carol & Ellice Hauta
- Ch. Ryanslexus Pheonix v St Brandt, CD, ROMC, owned by: Angela Ravallese
- Ch. Thistleha’s Bamako de Baviere, CD, ROMC, owned by: Susan Filsner and Diane DuBois
- Ch. Royolyn Dark Power CD, CGN, TT, ROMC, owned by: Tamara Champagne
- UCD Multi HIT Ch. Trymine Xzotic Flair v Domtom CDX, CGN, TT, ROMC, VCX, RL1, HIC, BH, TD, RA, Am RN, Am CD, TDI, CGC, WDS TT, OB1 owned by: Tamara Champagne
2006 ROMC Recipients
No recipients
2005 ROMC Recipients
- MBIS Ch. Trymine’s Joint Custody CD TT RN ROMC, owned by: Lendra Barker & Mary Trainor
- Ch. Wildacre’ss Lady Marmalade CD ROMC, owned by: Elisabeth St-Cyr
- Ch. Glengate’s Come What May CD ROMC, owned by: Jay & Mary Korevaar
- Ch. Pennylane Saturday Nite Live CD ROMC, owned by: Marlene Biglow, Holly & Steve Schorr
- UKC/CKC Ch. Dobereich’s Finally Friday, PTT, TT, UCC, CGN, P-CD, CD, ROMC, owned by: Maura Reilly
2004 ROMC Recipients
- Ch. Dunrala’s Razinmade Iced Sun, CD, ROMC, owned by L. Casselman, M Czebotarenku, D. and M. McLean
- Ch. Equinox Designer Genes, CD, ROMC, owned by Judy Bohnert
- Ch. Judgar’s Just As I Am, AgN, ROMC, owned by Karey Grisdale
- Ch. Lyndobe’s Rhinestone Cowboy, CD, ROMC, owned by Marilyn Manino
- Ch. Mi-Cher’s Christmas Angel, CD, ROMC, owned by Cheryl Hassett
- Ch. Wildacre’s Angel of Jenecho, owned by Jenny Mehan
2003 ROMC Recipients
- Ch. Cara’s After Dark, CDX, BH, Sch A, ROMC, owned by Susan Morrissey
- Ch. Cara’s The Color Of Night, CDX, BH, Scg A, ROMC, owned by Susan Morrisey
- Ch. Dunrala’s Liquorise Blac Lexus, CD, ROMC, owned by Steve and Renee Russo
- Ch. RD’s Desert Angel v Moria, CD, ROMC, owned by Heather Doolittle, Daisy Doolittle and Bobbie Green
- Ch. Tye’s Janet Planet, CD, AgI, ROMC, owned by Christine Boisvert
2002 ROMC Recipients
- Ch. Anozira’s Cactus Jack, CD, ROMC, owned by Jean Boland
- Ch. Anrich Dreemkeeper of Saxony, CD, ROMC, owned by Diana Shore and Gord Shore
- Ch. Cagucci Onida de Baviere, CD, ROMC, owned by Jane Barrette, Diane and Robert DuBois
- Ch. Fabert’s Lady Echo Echo, CD, ROMC, owned by Jenny Grodzki
- Ch. Royolyn Headstudy in Black, CD, ROMC, owned by Phil Griffith & Carolyn Irvine
- Ch. Tye’s Just Dressed To Kill, CD, ROMC, owned by Karey Grisdale
- Ch. Tye’s Twisted Sister v Judgar, CD, ROMC, owned by J and K Kauffeldt
- Ch. Veriann’s The Tazman, CD, ROMC, owned by Marlene Biglow
2001 ROMC Recipients
- Ch. BJF Measure For Measure, CD, ROMC, owned by Julie and Mark Stade
- Ch. Car Lor’s MGM Grand, CD, ROMC, owned by Maria Stodulski
- Ch. Solar’s Glengate Abilene Ember, CD, ROMC, owned by J and M Korevaar, J, A and M Marshall
- Ch. RD’s Angel Among Us v Moria, owned by P. Moorhatch, A. Carroll, D. Doolittle, H. Coplea
- Ch. Sleepycoves Walk The Line, CD, ROMC, owned by Catherine Reid
- Ch. Sharinway’s Walkaway Winston, CD, ROMC, owned by Kim Boucher
2000 ROMC Recipients
- Ch. Jandec’s Napoleon Paragon, CDX, ROMC, owned by: Janet Madec
- Ch. Mi-Ti’s Angel of Music, CD, ROMC, owned by: Diane Wydick
- Ch. Moonspier’s Hails A Poppin, CD, ROMC owned by: Lel Gedde
- Can/Int CH Can MOTCH Pentium a Dream Within Equinox Am UD AX MXJ VCX WAC Can RN DD AGI ADC ROMC HIC CGC ROMC LC-11, owned by: Carla Mai Nissen
- Ch. Royolon Major Showoff, CDX, ROMC, owned by: Lee Kenyon
- Ch. Serenity Sherbourg Vondura, CD, ROMC, owned by: Diane Wydic
- Ch. Tempo’s Undercover Angel, CD, ROMC, owned by: Diane Wydick
1999 ROMC Recipients
- Ch. Adobe’s Gambler’s Dream, CD, ROMC, owned by: Christine Bartram
- Ch. Adlerheim’s Rubicon, CD, ROMC, owned by: Mary Spinelli
- Ch. Adlerheim’s Fascinating Rhythm, CDX, ROMC, owned by: Diane Wydick
- Ch. Equinox Carpe Diem, CD, ROMC, owned by: Amy Tourond
- Ch. Holmrun Baron T Kootenay CD WAC CGN ROMC, owned by: Colette Ritchie
- Ch. Judgar’s Just A Rerun, CD, ROMC, owned by: G and J Kauffeldt and B. Wilhite
- Ch. Ravallese’s Angel v Ryans Luxus, CD, ROMC, owned by: Angela Ravallese
1998 ROMC Recipients
- Ch. Cara’s Queen of the Night, CDX, BH, ROMC, owned by Susan Simeon and Ray Carlisle
- Ch. Carbon’s Charged To The Max, CD, ROMC, owned by Olyn and W. Schnibben and Karen Richard
- Ch. Dobestar’s Seventh Saturn, CDX, ROMC, owned by Mary Spinelli
- Ch. Mi-Ti’s Britanica, CD, ROMC, owned by Ursuka and Robert Strobel
- Ch. Lemil’s Lethal Weapon, CD, ROMC, owned by Penny Carey and Hosea W. Carpenter
1997 ROMC Recipients
- Ch. Sleepycoves High Wire Dhobi, CD, ROMC, owned by Catherine Reid
- Ch. Wittrock’s Cascadian Tiger, CD, ROMC, owned by Michelle Limoges
- Ch. Wrath’s High Society, CD, ROMC, owned by Lee Kenyon
1996 ROMC Recipients
- Ch. Lyndobe’s All That Glitters, CD, ROMC, owned by Lynne Coleman
- Ch. Lyndobe’s Call Me Madame, CD, ROMC, owned by Lynne Coleman
- Ch. Lyndobe’s Denim ‘N Diamonds, CD, ROMC, owned by Lynne Coleman
- Ch. Lyndobe’s Fire ‘N Desire, CD, ROMC, owned by Lynne Coleman
- Ch. Lyndobe’s Proof Not Promises, CD, ROMC, owned by Lynne Coleman
- Ch. Lyndobe’s See Me Shine, owned by Ann and Michael Sansalone
- Ch. Lyndobe’s Wizard of Ahhs, CD, ROMC, owned by Marilyn Mannino and Lynn Coleman
- Ch. Kronen’s Criminal Justice, CD, ROMC, owned by Elizabeth and Mathew McGinley
- Ch. Mi-Cher’s Rebel Commander, CD, ROMC, owned by Cheryl Hassett and Alice Chabler
- Ch. Moria’s Commando O’Marks-Tey, CDX, ROMC, owned by Patricia Moorhatch
- Ch. Moria’s The Eagle Has Landed, CD, ROMC, owned by Partrica Moorhatch and Andrea Carroll