Sire / Dam of Merit

The Sire of Merit & Dam of Merit Awards are not easy awards to achieve.  Awards may be applied for at anytime during the year, and my be applied for after a dog has passed away.  The Award is granted on a point system. The points are derived from the accomplishments of the offspring of the Sire or Dam (titles earned, longevity and other accomplishments).  A brief summary of the point system is available below.  The points required for a male are higher than a female as a male has the potential to be the sire of many litters, and may be collected and bred long after their passing.  Females do not have the same opportunity.

For a detailed explanation please download the SOM/DOM Application form on our FORMS page.  Completed forms can be emailed to

Sire of Merit: SOM

  • Dogs qualifying for this award must have offspring who have earned a cumulative total of 64 points towards their sire receiving the SOM award. Points are accumulated as noted in som dom table 1.1. Points may be earned from a variety of disciplines; a minimum of 44 points must have been earned from Canadian Championship points. Each offspring may contribute a maximum of 8 qualifying points from the Conformation or Performance Venues. Offspring who obtain a LC (lived 10 years) may earn an extra 2 points (in addition to the 8 point maximum).

Dam of Merit: DOM

  • Bitches qualifying for this award must have offspring who have earned a cumulative total of 40 points towards their dam receiving the DOM award. Points are accumulated as noted in som dom table 1.1. Points may be earned from a variety of disciplines; a minimum of 24 points must have been earned from Canadian Championship points. Each offspring may contribute a maximum of 8 points to the dam qualifying for the award. Offspring who obtain a LC (lived 10 years) may earn an extra 2 points (in addition to the 8 point maximum).